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So that my affiliations and relationships with businesses can remain transparent as I lead various communities and start writing reviews for products and stuff, I thought it might be a good idea for me to list all the affiliations/sponsorships/etc I receive and the nature of that transaction, so that people can remain informed/ factor that into any of their own decision making. 


E3D 2021
I received a Hermera in exchange for a review. 



Prusa 2021

I received a Mini+ as a prize for winning a competition they held. 



Make 2020

Payment of partial ticket sales from hosting online workshops.


Payment in exchange for a magazine article about my 3D printed feathers. 


Payment in exchange for my CAD poster content to be used in an edition of their magazine. 



3D Musketeers 2020

 Financially sponsored episodes of Meet a Maker, based roughly on view count. I then share these proceeds with Geeky Faye. Relevant videos are marked with an intro stating this sponsorship. 



Creality 2020 

I received a LD-002H MSLA printer and flexible plate in exchange for some copy writing for the flexible plate and a review of the printer. 

I received a 3DPrintMill in exchange for a video of me doing 'a review or something interesting' with it. 



Project R3D 2020

 Project R3D financially sponsored episodes of Meet a Maker, based roughly on view count. I then share these proceeds with Geeky Faye. Relevant videos are marked with an intro stating this sponsorship.



GreenGate3D 2020
They produced a colour with my namesake "Billie Ruben's Cherry Pie". I get a small portion of proceeds of any orders that contain that spool. 


I also recieved nearly 2kg of this material so that I could sample/test it and make a video about it.


CocoaPress 2020
I undertook paid graphic design and copy writing work



Haddington Dynamics, 2020
I undertook paid work toward a brand guide. 



Monocure 3D, 2018
I received 4kg of filament in exchange for my opinion about it  to help inform a decision to stock them. I also took some print pictures for their site. (I loved the filament) 

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